DT Middle East and Africa No. 6, 2013 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT Middle East and Africa No. 6, 2013

Última edición

DT Middle East and Africa No. 6, 2013

DTMEA becomes official media partner of LDA / BIDM 2013 attracts over 3 - 000 participants / German quality at a low price: The T4 instrument family from Sirona / CPD Dubai to run multidisciplinary day / Endodontic treatment and adhesive restoration of structurally comprised second premolar / Clinical indications for a composite-metal PFM restoration / Cranmore - Using CBCT 3D for excellence in patient care / Interview: "Dental technicians forum at IDEM Singapore 2014" / Meet the 3Shape D900 Scanner / FKG to present TotalFill - a revolutionary pre-mixed bioceramic sealer paste / FDI appoints two CE program regional directors / BioHorizons Asia Pacific symposium series 2013 / Paedietric dentists join hands to form UAE's first Emirates Paedietric Dentistry Club supported by EMA and Oral-B & Crest / President Elie Azar Maalouf elected as President of the ADF / Myths vs. truths / Interview: Biolase could become the next intuitive surgical / Modified fluoride toothpaste technique reduces caries in orthodontic patients: a longitudinal - randomized clinical trial /
