DT News - Spain - Simposio de la SECOM en el Congreso Europeo de Praga 2014

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Simposio de la SECOM en el Congreso Europeo de Praga 2014

Dr. Rafael Martín Granizo López
DT Spain

DT Spain

jue. 30 enero 2014


 Del 23 al 26 de septiembre la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial (SECOM) organizará un simposio durante el próximo Congreso Europeo (EACMFS), que se celebrará en la ciudad de Praga.

La Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial (SECOM) organizará un Simposio intracongreso durante el próximo Congreso Europeo de la especialidad (EACMFS) que se celebrará del 23 al 26 de septiembre del 2014 en Praga (República Checa). Este simposio se llevará a cabo el día 25 por la mañana y ha sido organizado por el councillor (consejero) de la SECOM en dicha Asociación Europea, el Dr. Rafael Martín-Granizo, expresidente de la SECOM y cirujano oral y maxilofacial del Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid. A continuación se muestra el resumen de las ponencias y el programa del mismo.

Spanish Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (SECOM)
Orthognathic surgery (OS) is one of the most relevant and specific working area for any oral & maxillofacial surgeon in the world. Nowadays the level of accuracy and precision in this surgery has reached very high standards. However, still there are some topics were controversy exist and literature bibliography is not clear at all. This session specifically deals with these topics and tries to give some light. What are the pros and cons of 3D planning in OS?. New trends in OS focused on surgery first (and old concept came to life…). Is piezosurgery necessary for OS? Advantages & disadvantages. What about the only uncontrolled area in OS: the temporomandibular joint? How to manage position of the condyle in OS?. Can we perform some aesthetic procedures at the same time of OS? Rhinoplasty simultaneous or not?. Volumetric surgery: is the next step?. When and how can we treat with OS those asymmetries due to condylar hyperplasia?.

  • 3-D virtual planning. Pros & cons. (Néstor Montesdeoca, Pamplona, Spain)
  • Surgery first in orthognathic surgery. Are we looking to the future or to the past?. (Federico Hernández-Alfaro, Barcelona, Spain)
  • Is piezosurgery necessary for orthognathic surgery?. (Dolores Martinez, Madrid, Spain)
  • TMJ management in orthognathic surgery (Rafael Martín-Granizo, Madrid, Spain)
  • Rhinoplasty and orthognathic surgery. Single or consecutive procedure?. (Javier González Lagunas, Barcelona, Spain)
  • Management of facial asymmetries secondary to condylar hyperplasia. (Florencio Monje, Badajoz, Spain)
  • Volumetric orthofacial surgery (Joan Birbe Foraster, Barcelona, Spain)
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