roots international No. 1, 2024 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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roots international No. 1, 2024

Última edición

roots international No. 1, 2024

Editorial by Steve Jones, co-chairman ROOTS SUMMIT / Content / News: Piezoceramic stack actuator speeds up root canal treatment / News: Review offers evidence of link between oral microbiome and cancer / ROOTS SUMMIT special including interview with Drs Antonis Chaniotis and Dr Rajiv Patel, lecture programme, information about speakers and lecture abstracts / Practical tips for reliable endodontic treatment: A case report by Dr Friederike Listander / Utilising R-SWEEPS laser-assisted irrigation for the treatment of chronic periapical periodontitis: A case report by Dr Hui Jing Phang / Single-session endodontic and surgical approach to internal root resorption: A long-term case report by Dr Bartłomiej Karaś / A second chance: A case report by Dr Philippe Sleiman / Increasing success in autotransplanted third molars through digital planning: A two-year follow-up case report by Dr Johnny Onori / “Retreatments are a unique way to save not only teeth but also the surrounding bone”: An interview with Dr Ahmed Shawky el-Sheshtawy / News: Doubled-edged sword: AI must foster, not worsen, sustainability in dental care / Industry news / Manufacturer news / Meetings / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
